
These source codes, datasets, documents and softwares were produced with support in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(61272521, 61202435, 61472047, and 61571066), and Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation (4132048).
They are free and you can redistribute them and/or modify them. They are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

  1. User-Oriented Edge Node Grouping in Mobile Edge Computing [Source Code]
  2. Online Service Requests Duplicating for Vehicular Application[Source Code]
  3. Microservice Placement and Chaining in Mobile Edge Computing [Source Code]
  4. Prototype-system for detecting SIP flooding attacks [Source Code]
  5. Cloud model and MIP for Reliable Service Selection [Source Code]
  6. Detectining SYN flooding attacks based on CUSUM [Source Code]
  7. QoS measurement of Web services [Source Code]
  8. CXCS for mobile service adaptation [Source Code]
  9. Energy-aware VM replacement optimaziation [Source Code]
  10. Predict unknown Web service QoS values [Demo] [YouTu]
  11. Simulation Tool for Cloud Service Reliability [Demo] [YouTu][China-YouKu]
  12. FTCloudSim source code casual version [Source Code].
  13. WebCloudSim is cloud simulation system that supports fat-tree cloud data center for reliablity, QoS, energy, and netwrok resource metric. You can use it by
  14. Dataset: Shanghai Telecom Dataset for Mobile Edge Computing
  15. 面向服务的移动边缘计算[PDF]
  16. Edgence-区块链助力边缘协同[PDF]
  17. 5G无人机去中心化众包平台
  18. QoECenter and its Dataset